Pioneer Days In South Umpqua Valley Vol. 36


Featured cover photo: Lavadore School. Published 2003, written by local historians.


These small books are published as a part of the annual Pioneer Days Celebration. They include recipes, pictures and factual local history.
If Walls Could Talk, by Sue Crispen Shaffer
Ranching at Riddle, by Jim and Mildred Nichols
Prunes in the 1920s, by John B. Smith
Auto Camps in Douglas County
Ford’s Restaurant
The Swinging Bridge, by Robert Gross
Canyonville’s Ice Plant, by George Hamlin
The Melody Mountain Barn
Louis Brady, from Wet Feet in Cow Creek, by Louis Brady
Glendale’s Harold Cooley, by Clem Dewart
2002 Pioneer Days
Memorials and Sponsors