Pioneer Days In South Umpqua Valley Vol. 8


Dedicated to Gladys Ulam Michaels. Featured cover: Architect’s Drawing of S.U. Historical Society Museum. Published 1975, written by local historians.

These small books are published as a part of the annual Pioneer Days Celebration. 
They include recipes, pictures and factual local history.
This Thing Called Time, poem by John Hamlin
The Days of the Fur Trade, by Edith Moore
From a Trapper of Furs to a Farmer, by Edith Moore
Myrtle Creek History, Dates of 1837 Cattle Drive
A Red Carpet and a Rocking Chair, by John Hall
Pacific Northwest History, by W.H. Byars
Oregon Outdoors, by F. Goetz
Proposed Museum, by Jack Beals
Area: Myrtle Creek, Umpqua Valley, Rice Creek, Cow Creek Valley
Families: Laverdure/Lavadour, Brown, Didtel