Pioneer Days In South Umpqua Valley Vol. 54


Featured cover photo: Photo of train engine coming down the track with a semaphore on both sides. The semaphores were what the signal man in our story, LeRoy Dixon, maintained in his railroad career. His signal man years were based mostly in Glendale, Oregon. Photo taken by photographer, Dan Sheets of Monroe, Oregon, who generously allowed is to use it her as it so well represents our story. Published 2021, written by local historians.


These small books are published as a part of the annual Pioneer Days Celebration. They include recipes, pictures and factual local history.
A Son Remembers by Lee Dixon
The 1905 Greek Riot at Glenbrook by Tim Shepard and Susan Waddle
Canyonville Memories 1948-1957 by Carol (Brinkworth) Mills
Harley and Goldie Hall by Jennene Johns
I.O.O.F. Memorial for Jack Pickett by Charles Pickett